Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The day has come and gone, Christmas that is.  All that preparation, all the craziness leading up to one of my favorite holidays, and it's gone.  Of course, with this holiday, I became so sick and have been laid up for a couple days.  But during those days, I was able to sit back and relax a little more than I normally would have, and as I was sitting on the couch Sunday night, I was reading through God's Word- and I was reading in Psalms and the verse caught my eye that says "Bless the Lord oh my soul, bless the Lord, and all that is within me bless the Lord."  

What better time to reflect on that verse than during the time of year where we focus on the birth of Jesus Christ.  ALL that is within me- BLESS THE LORD.  How often I fail to do that.  I can so easily shift my focus to the negative that is going on around me, or dwell on everything going wrong.  And yet, God my Father, tells me to Bless the Lord.  So, I'm offering up my thanksgiving and gratitude to my Father, that in spite of my circumstances, I can bless the Lord.  Just thought I'd pass my musings on.