Monday, September 8, 2014

Where did the time go?

In 6 days, I will be celebrating 4 years with my little guy, Matthew Kenneth Falls.  Recently, I have watched him and wondered where did the time go?  He is no longer my little baby or even little toddler, but a young boy.  Just the other day he told me that his birthday was coming up and he wanted the day to fall on a Tuesday.  I replied by telling him that it was on a Sunday this year, and his response was "Mom- church is on Sundays, I can't have my birthday on a Sunday!"  :-)  He makes me laugh so hard sometimes.  

The older he gets though, the more I am coming to the realization that my son, even with his young mind, understands certain things about life and the way it works- including a sense of the Lord and what He's done for us.  When we talk about Jesus and the things He did while on earth, Matthew usually has a lot of questions, which causes me to beg God to help him understand even at this young age that he is in need of a Savior.  Matthew knows now when and how he does wrong.  The wheels are spinning in his mind about when he needs to say he's sorry and ask for forgiveness from whomever he has wronged, so I pray that he understands he needs the same thing from our Heavenly Father.  

Along that note, it causes me to reflect on just how great is the love of our Father, that He should love us enough to sacrifice who He loved more than anything, to save us from our sin.  Myself included.  I do not deserve that love and forgiveness, or His grace, but He put it out there, for us to take hold of and accept, even in our state of sin.  I know that as Matthew will get older, he will see my life is far from perfect, I am broken, and I need to fall on my knees and make my heart right before my Maker and those I have wronged here on earth.  I can only pray that my example to him allows him to see that need and the solution for the need- which is none other than the blood of Christ.  

Bringing all that back to Matthew, I will be praying for my son and my daughter, Emma, to understand they needs Jesus.  God's given me such a great task to shepherd these little hearts, and though at times I feel so inadequate for the task, I know that my Father's given me the tools for the trade, and that I must choose to use them and walk in them.  

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